"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Test Prep: Practice Filling in Those Bubbles!”

by Lisa Goodell
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This document will help teach students to only mark one answer choice per item, and how to correctly bubble in the circle (to not go outside the lines and to fill in the whole circle). The practice test can be taken alone or be read aloud. 

The test questions are not hard and are not supposed to mimic the exact layout or wording of your state’s test. There are two pages of English Language Arts and two pages of Math. Each item has 3 answer choices. 

I created this for use with the students in my special education class who do not typically take tests where they have to bubble in their answers. As a result, I marked K-2 for grade levels, but the questions are more at the kinder level.

Page 2: Introductory Page and Answer Key 
Page 3: Test Prep Handout
Page 4-7 Practice Test #1
Page 8 Thanks and Credits

Have a great day and thanks for looking! 
-Lisa Goodell, myndawn@gmail.com

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