"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Featured Seller: Lisa Robles

Featured Seller: 

Lisa Robles

Tell us about yourself.
     I've been teaching for 24 years in an elementary setting though some of those years were out of the classroom. Those years reminded me how much I love the classroom. I have a wonderful husband and three amazing boys in their 20's and we live in Southern California. I recieved my Bachelors' from U.C.L.A. and my Masters' from C.S.U.F. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Instructional Technology. I am a National Board Certified Teacher in Literacy: Reading, Language Arts. 

      I am proud to say I am a founding member of our school, Lucille Roybal-Allard ES. A team of fantastic educators worked for two years to write a plan to create the best educational environment they could think of and the district agreed with us and awarded the school to us. It's been challenging but rewarding starting our own school.  We are currently in our third year.
      Currently, I'm teaching fourth grade.

What do you like best about teaching?

     I love the creativity and the fun you can have with the kids. Kids are so open to learning new things and just trying. I love that about children.
     I also love the lightbulb moment. You know that moment, when a student has been struggling to get a concept and, all of a sudden, you can see that lightbulb turn on over their head and their eyes light up because they get it. I love that.

Describe your favorite TpT product.
     My favorite TpT product has to be my close reading guides. I love reading quality literature to my students as interactive read alouds and going further and using close reading to really go deep with the text. It's so important to have great open ended questions to use and that's how I designed my guides. 
      I use the story as an Interactive Read Aloud during Reader's Workshop. The language of the story helps me delve into comprehension, literary elements and genre. I use the questions I created in the close reading guide to help me "go deep" with the literature. Students turn and talk during this time and discuss their thinking. I also model how to annotate text, which students can do using the class read aloud or a book at their reading level during the workshop.
       Once a week we do a formal close read during our language arts time. That's when I use the formatted sheets in the close reading guide. Gradual release is the teaching method in which responsibility shifts from the teacher to the student. The "I do it, We do it, You do it together, You do it alone" model. The lesson is very explicit and scripted. Close reading can be focused on anything you like: figurative language, theme, character development, story elements etc..

What advice would you give to someone who may want to become a seller at Teachers Pay Teachers?
      Just go for it! Make a quality product and people will be thankful. A one of my colleagues recently said, "It's not that I can't make it. I just don't have the time." If you've already made something, just try putting it on TpT. You're probably helping someone else out!
     Oh, and go to the TPT conference in the summer!  I learned so much in one day.  I didn't know I was doing so much wrong!  Make the investment and go! You will learn a ton and meet great people.

What have you done or hope to do with your TpT earnings?
     I hope to help out my family and pay some bills! I don't make a ton but every little bit helps!

What do you like best about being a member of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative?
     I've learned a lot about blogging with Victoria. She has been a great resource. It's interesting to see how others use TBOTE, too. Thanks, Victoria, for creating this great resource.

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