Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Doing Math the Routty Way: Engaging Activities from A to Z (Day 14)

Open-ended Math Talk Questions- Read about how to ask effective questions to generate math talk and promote rich classroom discussions. I've shared an article with some great tips and strategies to get you started, as well as, an Open-ended Questions Poster Freebie (pictured below). 

Follow The Routty Math Teacher link to read "Open-ended Math Talk Questions" on my blog or click my button. Happy Reading!


Monday, September 29, 2014

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Letter Sound Sort Freebie”

by I Heart Curriculum
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade 

Freebie from my letter sound sorts product. I hope you enjoy it.

You may also like:

SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - "Renaissance Webquest and Answer Sheet"

Renaissance Webquest and Answer Sheet (Great Lesson Plan)
Grades 4-10
Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
50 Minutes

Students will gain basic knowledge about the Renaissance by completing an internet based worksheet. The following topics are covered in this webquest:

Important ideas and themes related to the Renaissance
Important people of the Renaissance 
Important places of the Renaissance

The webquest contains twenty-six questions and is a great introduction to a unit on the Renaissance. An answer sheet is included for the teacher. The information for this webquest is from the following great website.

Click here to view the website.

Middles Ages Lesson Plan Collections:
Complete Middle Ages Webquests and Worksheets Collection
Crusades Lesson Plan Collection
Black Death Lesson Plan Collection
Renaissance Lesson Plan Collection
Tudors Lesson Plan Collection: (England 1500s-1600s)
British History Collection

Individual Middle Ages Lesson Plans:

Dark Ages Lesson Plans
Anglo-Saxons Webquest: Early Britain/England
Viking Webquest

Middle Ages Lesson Plans
Middle Ages Daily Life Webquest
Middle Ages Society and Religion Webquest
Vlad Dracula: Man vs. Legend (Middle Ages Webquest) 
Middle Ages: Battle of Hastings Video Webquest/Worksheet (Great Video)

Crusades Lesson Plans
Crusades Middle Ages PowerPoint
Crusaders Capture Jerusalem Primary Source Worksheet
Crusades Primary Source Worksheet: Richard the Lionheart Massacres the Saracens
Crusades Primary Source Worksheet: 7th Crusade Battling the Saracens
Jerusalem Old City Map Worksheet

Black Death Lesson Plans
Black Death Webquest: Great Websites
Black Death Primary Source Worksheet: Italy 1348
Black Death Primary Source Worksheet: The Flagellants 1349

Renaissance Lesson Plans
Renaissance Webquest (Great Lesson Plan)
Important People of the Renaissance Webquest
Battle of Agincourt Primary Source Worksheet
Renaissance Primary Source Worksheet: The Death of Borgia Pope Alexander VI
Renaissance Primary Source Worksheet: Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel
Renaissance Primary Source Worksheet: Inquisition 1573

Tudors (England 1500s-1600s) Lesson Plans
King Henry VIII Tudor Webquest (Student Friendly Website)
Queen Elizabeth I Tudors Webquest: (Student Friendly Website)
Mary Queen of Scots Webquest: Tudors (Student Friendly Website)
Spanish Armada Video Webquest Worksheet
Shakespeare Webquest (Great Website)
Tudors: Queen Mary 1557 Primary Source Worksheet
Tudors: The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots Primary Source Worksheet
Tudors: An Audience with Queen Elizabeth I Primary Source Worksheet
Tudors: Crime and Punishment in Elizabethan England Primary Source Worksheet
Great Fire of London Worksheet and United Kingdom Mapping Activity

Please check out the following collections that have some or all of my Middle Ages Lesson Plans:
American and World History Primary Sources Worksheet Collection
World History and World Geography Collection (History Wizard)
American History, World History, and Geography Collection (History Wizard)

Visit my Facebook Page and "like me" to receive updates and free lesson plans.


The History Wizard
History Wizard

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Math Lesson - "5th Grade Math Multi-Digit Multiplication - Standard Algorithm 5.NBT.5"

by Hilda Ratliff

Grade 5                                                       Click here to preview.                                                                       
This resource gives a step by step procedure for multiplying multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. The carries are recorded in each partial product so that the student can actually see the complete product of each multiplication being performed.

This resource may be used to introduce the standard algorithm of multiplication. Students will find products of two 3-digit numbers, a 4-digit number and a 2-digit number, and a 4-digit number and a 3-digit number. A template is used in the first activity for the student to become accustomed to recording and adding partial products.

The resource may be used for remediation after multiplication of multi-digit numbers has been taught.
Included in this Resource:

1. Handout with guided practice, specific procedural instructions, and independent practice – 4 pages
2. Handout with guided practice and independent practice – 2 pages
3. Group activity with 6 task cards
4. Detailed answer keys
5. Teacher Notes
Click HERE to preview this resource.



Why Classroom Laboratory Activities Foster Learning

So you are debating when or how or how many labs you should implement into your classroom. There's a very easy answer to that, as many as humanly possible and which will still allow you to provide your students with content they require in order to meet the subjects expectations. Why you ask should you devote your precious classroom time (time which is in short supply for everyone already) to activities that deliver mediocre data at best. You say to yourself that you could deliver 10x the information provided during a lab in a 75 minute lecture. The main questions isn't how much content you can deliver, it is how much content the students absorb from the delivery. Furthermore, one must think about the other consequences of hands-on laboratory work.

- Students learn to work with others
- They practice safe working skills
- They are permitted to "experience" learning, not just see what their learning is supposed to look like.
- They learn to make mistakes and analyze them
- They develop planning, writing and critiquing skills needed for pretty much any career.

However, the main reason that you should be devoting a significant amount of your class time to labs is that it gets the students interested and engaged in the material you so badly want to convey to them! Students wont take away that amazing lecture you gave on the types of chemical reactions, but they may remember the time they mixed lead (II) iodide and potassium nitrate and saw that beautiful yellow followed by a stubborn precipitate that they couldn't extricate from the test tube.

Students love labs, they love experiencing with their own senses what they are learning in school and it really hooks them. You ask most science students what they'd rather be doing in class and they will say labs. I know this because I'm constantly being bombarded with "When will we be doing another lab?" or "Why don't we do more labs?", etc., etc.

Here's a reason to avoid those labs and I know we are all guilty of thinking it, they are difficult to mark and you already don't have enough time to mark what you have. Well that's an easy one too, who says you need to assign a formal lab report each time your kids do an experiment? Change it up.

- Setup a handout that they need to fill-in during the lab (pretty much an observation sheet). 
- Have your students submit the lab but only mark one component. 
- Instead of having them submit a lab, have a quiz the next day regarding specific things that happened. 

There are lots of ways to reduce your marking while still providing your students with the opportunity they need.  Be creative and give yourself a break.  

Lab Requirements:  
- Make sure the lab is hands-on and allows them to find something tangible.
- Allows each group member to get involved. The worst is when there's one person who simply takes over. Assign jobs, create smaller groups, etc.
- Let your students see why/how the lab connects with the curriculum. This will increase their engagement in your lessons as they see that what they are learning has some actual real-life implications.

One lab that I love is my Eco-Bottle lab. It touches on the things I've mentioned above as it allows your students to create and carry out a hands-on, engaging experiment on how humans affect the environment. It utilizes the steps in the scientific method to scaffold learning and allows your students to come to a conclusion based on findings that are tangible. It also reduces marking by having you complete a rubric which clearly and easily breaks down the lab for both you and your students, fostering success. If you are interested CLICK HERE or the picture below.

Ecobottle 1

Teach With Fergy - www.teachwithfergy.com
TpT: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Teach-With-Fergy

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Roll, Read, and Keep - Sight Words and Sentences”

by KinderMyWay
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade 

Fun game for students to play in groups of 2-3. Game includes sight words and sentences for easy differentiation.

Just print and place game board in sheet protector. Cut pieces out and place evenly in squares. Students roll the die and pick a card from the correct pile. If they can read the card they keep it. 

If you enjoy this product - check out the full set of games found here:

Saturday, September 27, 2014

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Spanish Letter, Sound, and Syllable Assessment Bundle”

by The Dual Language Garden
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

This letter, sound, and syllable assessment bundle is an easy to use assessment, complete with a sheet of suggested uses. This pack also comes with a graph so that students can easily see their own progress. This bundle can be used in conjunction with the Evaluacion de letras y silabas: Teacher tracking forms, which can be found on my TPT store.

~Back to School Bundle

Art Action - Laurie Carpenter

 Visual Arts - Language Arts working together

Grades K - 4


Bundling is the way to go! In this case, you get 4 projects for the price of 3! And here they are:

Kids love a puppy!
Especially, when that puppy is Clifford!
The children will love this lesson plan, as they create a simple "back to school" craftivity of Clifford, as a puppy, after the class reads the story Clifford's First School Day, by Norman Bridwell.

an easy-art craftivity
Coming back to school is such an exciting time for kids! Seeing old friends,meeting new ones, a new teacher, and so many new "things" to experience.
 This project provides the children with a fun art experience focusing on" back to school things". This "easy-art lesson plan with patterns can be used easily in the classroom, as well as done with more complicated creativity in the art room - TWO options are presented.
* Lesson also gives children an opportunity for group discussion, and a chance to write about their thoughts about this happy time of the year.


PROJECT OVERVIEW-PURPOSE: This is so much fun!!!
Just the name "Puff Portraits" gets the kids thinking! Lesson plan will provide
a fun and creative "back to school" activity as the students create their own self-portrait, and the follow-up activities help the children get to know their new classmates.


SKILLS ARE BOTH such an important part of a new school year. LET'S SEE

The printables and lesson plan will provide an independent crayon coloring
session for the primary student, teaching the student depth of color as well as techniques of coloring neatly, filling the space, and following teacher directions.


All lessons have:





Friday, September 26, 2014

Alice in Wonderland: Close Reading Guide

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland:

Close Reading Guide

Lisa Robles

        Alice was first published in 1865 and most found the novel to be utter
nonsense. However, the illustrations provided by John Tenniel garnered

     Over time, people have come to appreciate it for it's logic play and is
considered a prime example of the literary nonsense genre. Today it a classic.

     Personally I've always loved the book and when a colleague suggested I
decorate my classroom with Alice, I was intrigued. Here are some images
from my classroom.

     Of course I wanted to read the novel aloud to my students but I wanted to
go even deeper. I decided to create a close reading guide so that we could go
deeper with the literature.  Alice was chosen as a text exemplar by the CCSS for fourth and fifth grades.

     This 45-page close reading guide has an outline of the components of
authentic literacy and what it looks like in the classroom. I formatted the guide as follows. There are possible focus questions for each and every chapter as the
story progresses. It also includes explicit gradual release of responsibility
formatted lessons sprinkled throughout. I included a close reading sheet for
each of the explicit lessons. I also included the common core standards. At
the end, there is a blank sheet for planning and to use with close reading of
different chapters as well as a rubric for scoring the close reading. This isn't a
bunch of worksheets as I don't teach that way. This is for going deep with the

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Trick O' Teach Giveaway

submitted by Danielle Knight and Room 213.
Danielle Knight's blog is http://studyallknight.blogspot.com

Want to bring some SECONDARY SPOOKY SEASONAL CHEER to your classroom?

Danielle Knight (Study All Knight) and Room 213 have teamed up to bring you an exciting secondary giveaway just in time for the fall months.The winner will receive all of their common core, multiple intelligences, and bloom's taxonomy needs right here in this diverse prize pack!  Secondary teachers really have a hard time fitting the holidays into their lessons and materials. We've created materials that can easily be implemented with very little prep. So be sure to enter today! 

Your students will think your class is SPOOK-TACULAR!
In the prize pack, you'll find Room 213's
Plus $20 Winner's Choice to Room 213's TpT Store
Try to complete all the entries.You can earn up to six chances! Winner announced on Sunday, October 5th. Good Luck!  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


by First Grade Stampede
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This is a great resource for extra practice with word form, place value, and tens and ones.

Doing Math the Routty Way: Engaging Activities from A to Z (Day 13)

Number of the Day- Read about a great activity that encourages your students to think critically about numbers. I've shared two examples of Number of the Day in action. 

Follow The Routty Math Teacher link to read "Number of the Day" on my blog or click my button. Happy Reading!


Math Lesson - "4th Grade Math Activities Division Strategies Multi-Digit Dividends CCSS 4.NBT.6"

by Hilda Ratliff

Grade 4
                                                             Click here to preview.              

Five strategies are taught to perform division involving multi-digit dividends.

Students are required to understand what division means and not just memorize an algorithm. They should be able to explain how they arrive at a quotient. In order to understand the process of division students should be presented with various strategies that help them grasp the concept.

The following strategies are presented in this resource.

1. Build a number using Base 10 blocks. Then separate (divide) the number into the number of groups given (the divisor).

2. Divide the number into groups using the number of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones that can be placed into each group.

3. When the dividend is thought of as the area of a rectangle, the divisor is one side of the rectangle and the quotient is the missing side.

4. A second method of using area involves finding multiples of the divisor to add to give the dividend.

5. Subtract multiples of the divisor and record the factor multiplied by the divisor that produced that multiple. When the result of the subtraction is smaller than the divisor, the division stops and the remaining number is the remainder.

This resource is one of my top five best selling products.

Click PREVIEW to see if this product would be useful while teaching division.

Here are quotes from some teachers who have purchased this product.

"Thank you so much for this division activity! I know these strategies but your step-by-step breakdown was just what I needed to walk my students through the various processes! Once again, THANK YOU!!! :)"

"I liked the step-by step breakdown!"

"I think I have bought all of your products, match up with common core exactly. It saves me sooo much time."

"Loved your 4.NBT.5 version! Can't wait to use this one. The step-by-step is awesome!"

