"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, August 4, 2014

Language Arts Lesson - Unraveling the Spider's Web: Understanding Fiction

by Dianne Mason
     An English Teacher's Garden
10th-12th Grades

Whether you’re teaching the novel, short stories, film or plays this lesson is for you. The 33-slide power point presentation covers questions one should ask before reading a work of fiction, makes suggestions for becoming a more receptive reader, presents the elements of fiction along with examples, and provides hints and suggestions for how to write a literary analysis.

Also included are the following:
  • Thorough explanations of fiction elements
  • Questions to get students thinking about how each element works within the story.
  • Handout of general guidelines for writing a literary essay.
  • Handouts for analyzing character, setting, theme, and point of view.
  • Graphic organizers
  • List of common character traits
  • List of literary terms
  • Group activities
  • Peer review guidelines
  • Assessment forms 

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