By - Connie
Grades 6-12
Students must learn to reel in readers with alluring hooks
that grab the readers' interest. In this
FREEBIE activity, Reel in Readers With Magnetizing Hooks, teachers prepare mini-lessons
on creating this most important writing element.
In my blog:
I detail ideas for how, when and why teachers should offer mini-lessons
on writing alluring hooks. Types of Hooks
and Choosing the Right Words - both
with explanations and examples - are two of the topics that I address.
Five Types of Hooks
Description of person, place or object
Stance on an issue
Startling fact or statement
Choosing the Right Words
Strong concrete nouns and adjectives: help create clear mental
pictures. They destroy
haziness, erase questions, and incite emotional
responses. The use of sensory imagery
(sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing) lures
readers. Every sentence should contain at
least one sensory imagery appeal.
Vivid verbs: Verbs are the
backbone of writing. Without vivid verbs, writers’ words will
collapse. Verbs MUST combine the subject’s action plus his/her emotion while performing
this action.
Mini-Lesson Ideas
A. Warm-ups – Three lesson
B. Write Now Moments
– Two lesson ideas
This activity is an engaging way to lure students into
wanting to write and to keep them writing. Download this FREE product from
Isn't it time for a Write Now Moment in your classroom?
Happy Teaching,
Teach it Write
Building Powerful Academic Homes
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