"The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs" Index:

Monday, May 26, 2014

How and why to use debates in the classroom.

There's very little that gets my kids more engaged and excited in the classroom as my Climate Change Debate. The debate focuses on the idea of human-man/natural climate change. Students have to argue whether we are responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in or whether it's a natural process that we have little to no control over. It's multifaceted as students are required to research then present their findings in the form of a debate. What I do to really spice things up is not tell them which side they will be arguing until the day of their presentation. That way, they need to gather their points and get a really good grasp of both sides of the issue. This is the key as my goal is to get the kids to realize that they need to come to their own conclusions about everything (scientific and other) only after they have thoroughly researched and thought about both sides of the issue. This is an essential skill they will need for the rest of their lives no matter what they want to do or become. This is also an opportunity to practice and refine critical thinking and research skills as well as provide an chance for them to utilize their own devices in the classroom. This assignment is suitable for many grade levels and can easily be altered to fit most subjects. It's a chance for your students to learn at their own pace and they really enjoy it. You will see a different side to many of your kids as their competitive spirit comes out.

If you are interested in learning more about this activity, please CLICK HERE Climate Change 4 Teach With Fergy

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