Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Mini Lessons for Grade 3 - Reading TEKS”

by Mark Lyons
3rd Grade

Mini Lessons for Grade 3 - Reading - TEKS
This is a group of mini lessons introducing reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards adopted by the state of Texas in 2008. 
Each mini lesson is designed to introduce a specific TEKS standard. Some of the standards have been broken down into several mini lessons due to the content of the standard.
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) are included in each mini lesson, if applicable. The reading TEKS mini lesson helps introduce the TEKS with classroom instruction for that particular ELPS standard and its student expectation.
All of the mini lessons follow a similar format. There is a title, a listing of the TEKS standard covered in the mini lesson, a list of needed materials, Instruction, Practice, and Wrap-Up. The materials consist of one or more Instruction Transparencies and one or more Student Practice sheets. Every so often a mini lesson will list additional materials needed for the lesson. These are materials already commonly found in a classroom such as six sided dice, an erasable transparency marker, and plastic or paper counters. The pages labeled as Instruction Transparencies will need to be run off onto an overhead transparency sheet. The pages labeled as Student Practice will need to be run off so each student has a copy.
Each mini lesson is designed to introduce a specific TEKS standard. Once the mini lesson has been conducted, you may visit it again as a review or as a reteach for those students struggling with the specific TEKS.
The mini lesson teacher plans include all that is needed for each lesson. You need only make the number of copies needed and gather any materials as specified in the lesson plans.
If you like the Mini Lessons for Grade 3 – Reading TEKS, please go to my website (www.readingwarmupsandmore.com) to view and purchase additional products for TAKS and TEKS reading practice.
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 7, 2011...Selling Tips...Blog, Sqworl, &TpT Products Page = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Monday, May 28, 2012

FREE MATH LESSON - “Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Four-In-A-Row Game”

by Vintage Teacher
4th - 8th Grade

This interactive game has students choosing the correct GCF (Greatest Common Factor) or the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of a set of numbers.
This game is great for use with pairs of students on an individual computer or on a interactive board for the whole class.
Many slides have both the GCF and the LCM listed requiring students to carefully chose. Many students confuse LCM and GCF so playing this game as a class gives another opportunity to have discussions about the difference in each. This is a read-only game.
Thanks for looking and have a great day.
Vintage Teacher
Be sure to follow my blog:
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 8, 2011...Selling Tips...Blog, Sqworl, &TpT Products Page = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

FREE MATH LESSON - “Summer Time Math Centers: 10 More 10 Less {Free}”

by Stacy Johnson
1st Grade

This is a free math game for your math centers. Students practice adding and subtracting 10 with this fun blackout game.

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Go to http://www.pinterest.com/TheBestofTPT/ for even more free products!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREE Ways to Make 10 Game - Summer Version”

by Teacher Tam
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

This fun addition game comes with a directions page and recording sheets in color (to laminate for classroom use) and black-and-white. It is really simple and easy-to-use, yet provides great "making 10" practice. Just add 10 objects in a cup or decorative box and you have a great math center activity! I use several versions of this game in my classroom throughout the year. My students love it! I hope you and your students do, too! 
This game addresses the following Common Core Math Standards for Kindergarten and First Grade: 
K.OA.3. Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 + 1).
K.OA.4. For any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or equation.
K.OA.5. Fluently add and subtract within 5.
1.OA.6. Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. 
If you like this freebie, please take a minute to "LIKE" it and "PIN" it! Thanks in advance! :)

To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 10, 2011...Selling Tips...Blog, Sqworl, &TpT Products Page = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Monday, May 21, 2012

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Cooperative Learning Grouping Cards”

by Lindsay Perro
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

These cards allow you to randomly (or not so randomly) group your students in groups of 3, 4, 5, 6 or split your class in half. Included are directions for which icons to use to get groups of a desired size.

To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on July 29, 2011...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Classroom Freebies and Classroom Freebies Too

Classroom freebies
Classroom Freebies Too

Want hundreds of free lessons?  Go to "Classroom Freebies" and "Classroom Freebies Too" for free lessons created by elementary, middle school, and high school teachers.  



Saturday, May 19, 2012

Victoria Leon's Product - Father's Day Coupons - Free Sample Pack

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten - 5th Grade

"Father's Day Coupons - Free Sample Pack" is a free product which has the same three versions of coupons found in my "Father's Day Coupons - Three Versions" which you may purchase at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Fathers-Day-Coupons-3-Versions.

If you would like to have more coupons than this sample pack, "Father's Day Coupons - Three Versions" has 36 coupons per set. Similar to this sample pack, the first version has space for the students to draw a picture for that particular coupon. The second version has the students trace over the dotted letters of each coupon. In the third version the students do not have to write on the actual coupon, but may create a cover for the coupons. 

Be sure to punch two holes on the sides of the coupons. Use ribbon and the two holes to secure the coupon booklet. If you do not have ribbon, simply staple the coupons together. 


Thursday, May 17, 2012

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Newspaper Center - Black, White, and Read All-over”

by Life on the Fourth Floor
5th - 12th Grade

This product includes 16 cards to use with newspapers. These can be used for whole class instruction or as centers. I used them with my middle and high-school students in centers.

The sample includes the instructions and one sample question cards.

If you like this product, you may also enjoy my Latin and Greek Roots Center. You may download it here: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Greek-and-Latin-Roots-Center-Cards-and-More

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FREE MATH LESSON - “Fact Family Back and Forth Game”

by Math Coach’s Corner
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Kids will go WILD for this jungle-themed game! As they move back and forth on the game board, they'll be practicing their fact families for combinations to 10. 
If you like this free product, I hope you'll rate it and follow my store!
You might also want to check out my blog: http://mathcoachscorner.blogspot.com/

Monday, May 14, 2012

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Sprinkles Labels for Personal or Classroom Use”

by Ann Marie Smith
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

PDF file of frames/labels
Great for labeling supplies, files, making signs, etc. 
If you have questions, PLEASE email at innovativeconnections@hotmail.com
Ann Marie Smith @ Innovative Connections

To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 3, 2012...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “All About Bugs Mini Unit”

by Teresa Williams
1st - 2nd Grade

This mini-unit includes an ABC Order page, an addition and subtraction page, label the fly, and a fill in the blank page using a word bank. This unit could be used as individual work, as a reading or science station, in small groups, or working with the teacher. Contains science and reading vocabulary! A fun mini unit that can be used across the curriculum!
To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on May 12, 2012...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Sight Words Uno - Pre-Primer Dolch Words FREEBIE”

by Ms. Jessica
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Are you looking for a fun way to practice the Pre-Primer Dolch sight words with your class? Play Sight Words Uno with them! This game is played with the same rules as the original Uno game, but has sight words on it! The number in the corner of the cards is the number of letters in the given words. 
This game includes cards for all of the Dolch Kindergarten Sight Words, as well as 5 wild cards, 4 reverse cards, 4 skip cards, and 4 draw 2 cards. 
This game is available in two versions - a full color version, and one that uses less color ink. 
This game is aligned to Kindergarten Common Core Standards: CCS:K.RF.3c, CCS:K.RF.3d.
Check out my TPT store for other Dolch Sight Word Uno Games! And follow my blog to stay updated on what else I'm working on! http://aturntolearn.blogspot.com/

To only teacher-authors on the Teachers Pay Teachers' Seller's Forum:  Feel free to cut and paste this submission to your blog, website, and/or promotional item...you just cannot sell it for profit.  Permission was granted on the Seller's Forum on March 17, 2012...Selling Tips...Freebie Promotion = FREE ADVERTISING!   This is an “unofficial site” and has no formal relationship with TeachersPayTeachers.com.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Sale!

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, TpT is having a sale!  Use the promo code TAD12 and receive 10% off all Teachers Pay Teachers' products.  Take an additional 20% off all of my products at TpT.  
Go to my TpT store at...

Some of my best-selling TpT products are...
Test Prep Tournaments For Any Grade and Any Subject
Teaching Tips From an Award-Winning National Board Certified Teacher
Word Problem of the Day - 200 Word Problems & Charts

Thursday, May 3, 2012

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “I Have, Who Has - Monster Sight Words”

by Laura Martin
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

The ability to read sight words is an important part of learning to read and is included in Common Core standards beginning in Kindergarten. "I Have, Who Has" is an easy to use game that can review almost any skill. Monster Sight Words does just that - reviews 25 of the first sight words taught. The teacher simply prints, laminates, and cuts the cards then passes the cards out to students. Students must listen and concentrate as the cards are read. Once a child hears the first word on his card, he is able to read his card aloud. This set is perfect for advanced Pre-K students, Kindergarten students, or beginning first graders. My kids LOVE "I Have, Who Has."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

FREE MATH LESSON - “Catch That Bug!”

by Angela Rubin
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

There are 2 "different" games----each with 2 versions using the 120 chart. Both use dice to "move" through the chart. The first one will use 1 die and the kids will add 10 to the number. A second version of this has "roadblocks" along the way for kids to go back or forward more.

The second game uses 2 dice and students will add the numbers together. A second version to this has the same "roadblocks" as above.

They go perfectly with my Catching Common Core Bugs Math games!

Follow my blog for more ideas and freebies! www.mrsrubinsclass.blogspot.com
Freebie offered under Scrappin Doodle license #TPT48395

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Jackpot!

Teacher Appreciation Week is here and more than 130 teacher-authors at Teachers Pay Teachers participated by changing a regularly priced TpT product and making it a free product on May 6th.  Thanks to April McNair, Laura Candler, and Adrianne Meldrum for organizing The Teachers Appreciation Jackpot!  

My free product was my best selling TpT product, "Word Problem of the Day - 200 Word Problems & Charts."  It is back to $4.50. 

TpT is holding a special Teacher Appreciation Sale from May 6th - May 8th.  Use the TpT code, TAD12, to receive 10% off.  I will also be holding a 20% off sale for all of the products in my TpT store until My 8th.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week,

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Solve the Mystery Word Activity”

by Kathy Goosev Howell 
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This is a wonderful activity to use at a center or station. Students try to unscramble the mystery word. The mystery word is a word that is found somewhere in the classroom, only it has been scrambled.

Students can search the room and use clues if needed to discover what the word is.

This download includes one page of directions, a blackline master for the word card and clue card, and a student recording sheet. Plus, there is a page of sample work that is in color.

Please visit my website for more ideas: www.kathygoosevhowell.com
or my blog: http://kafysbooks.blogspot.com/

If you are enjoying my products please click on the Follow Me button to be notified of new listings, free items, and sales on my TPT store. Also, if you have time please vote and leave some feedback. Thank you!